Intercessors Arise 2.0
Intercessors Arise is a course that will take your fellowship with God to the next level. Learn about what it means to be called as an intercessor or what it looks like in the daily life of a believer.
Intro Video - Intercession is Not Just Warfare
Intercessors Arise 2. Session 1docx 2
Intercessors Arise 2 - Session 2 with Becky Day
Intimately acquainted with the place of your knowing
Sarah Durham on Decrees and Declarations
Session 3 Notes Decrees & Declarations
New Wineskins for a New Day w/Sarah Durham
New Wineskins for a New Day - Notes
Effectively Praying the Word of God w/Domonique White
Class 5 HANDOUT Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ Effectively Praying the Word of God
Praying the Word of God w/Domonique White
Class 6 pdf Handout Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ
Intercession and Prayer Walks w/Cecila Ybarra
Intercession and Prayer Walks w/Cecila Ybarra handout
Praying at the Four Corners w/Michelle Silye